viernes, 19 de abril de 2024

The sixth week we saw verb can


With the verb Can affirmative it has the following structure Example: Subject+Can+Verb+Object if I would look like this: I can drive a car

In a negative way the not is added for example Subject+Can+Not+Verb+Object and it would look like this: I can not drive a car

And for the interrogative sleep, would it be the Auxiliary+Subject+Verb+Object+ first? And that's how it would look: Can I drive a car?


 The fifth week we saw continuous present

In the present continuous it has 3 forms, Negative, Affirmative and Questioning its forms to make a present continuous is the following way

The first would be the Affirmative here you have to first the Subject+Verb to be+Verb ing+ Object

 Example: I am Playing Soccer. 
 that would be Affirmative

In the present negative continuous it would be the same but the Not is added for example Subject+Verb to be+Not+Verb ing+Object differently with the previous example with this one it would look like this

Example: I am not Playing Soccer

And with the interrogative it would be the same as the Affirmative but with the difference that that form always has to be added the following sign? And if it does not carry the interrogative sign, will it not be considered as a question, for example Subject+Verb to be+Verb ing+ Object? It would look like this

Example: I'm Playing Soccer?

The fourth week we saw verb do
In the verb Do and Does is in two parts the Do only goes with I, You, We and They, and for Does it goes only for He, She and It and with this the structure to use this verb are the following

Example With the Do: Subject+Auxiliar+Verb+Object  : I don't do my homework

Example With the Does: Subject+Auxiliar+Verb+Object  : He doesn't do his homework

And for a question it is used the same but with the only difference that at the end a question mark is put
Example: Subject+Auxiliar+Verb+Object+?  : He doesn't do his homework  ?

 The third week we saw verb to be

The verb to be helps us to make conversations for example first we have to use a pronouns for example I,You,She,He,It,We,You,They and when we choose our pronoun we will use our verb to be this has three parts 1. It would be with him going with the I in this we can use am and together it would be I am: I am in part 2. it would be the IS in this we can use it with She, He and It for example She is would be She is or we can use It is would be that is and finally it would be Are for this part you can use We, You and They for example We are or You are

The second week we saw Pronouns in English

The first week we saw the regular and irregular verbs

Past Simple El pasado simple se utiliza para describir acciones, eventos o estados que ocurrieron y se completaron en un momento específico ...